Thursday, 23 June 2022

Thursday Mourning

155.2lbs today. But I suppose I haven't been sticking to my calorie deficit all that well lately.... I've just been so tired. I went to the dentist on Tuesday and had a filling in my tooth that lasted about an hour long, they pull and tug and your jaw so much that it's Thursday morning and my mouth STILL hurts to open it. Yesterday when I finished I felt like the living dead, I spent most of the evening slumped over the sofa until I dragged myself into a the bath. I am just. So. Tired. 

We've been spending a lot of time lately watching a programme about life at secondary school, there's a series by Channel 4 that begun as Educating Yorkshire, but has had various other spin offs. Educating Yorkshire has been such a lovely show to watch, children can be utterly hilarious and heart warming.

Which leads me on to my latest job application. After continous "No"s, I decided to apply for a reception/administrator role at a school nearby me. The wage is far, far less than I'm on currently but I honestly do not care. I need a job that will be rewarding and make me feel valued for my contribution, and this job sure fire ain't it son. So I have applied. School applications are SO LONG

They literally require an essay on why you'd like to work at the school in order to be considered. So I spent the last day or so combing through my application to be sure I'd done it right, I also spoke with a man at the school regarding the role who was super fucking lovely and it honestly sounds like the right move for me. I just hope that I get asked to go for an interview. My track record for that has been dreadful lately, but I'm hoping the effort I put into applying will help put me in good stead. I'm qualified more than anyone else for the role, I adore children and I try so hard in my work. PICK ME, GOD DAMMMIT.

Maybe next time I post I'll have some news......


Current Music: Drift - Slow Crush/The tippy-tapping noise my fingers make on the keyboard...

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