Thursday, 1 September 2022


It’s going down! 

I wish it was less than that (obviously) but I’ll take it as a win, for now. We went to Aldi last night and I bought some healthy fruits and salad to help me stay on track. I also bought some honey to put into my coffee instead of my sugar free syrups because they're full of chemicals and that can't be good to have on the daily. Hopefully honey will sort me out! I got some peppermint and ginger tea to try and help my digestion because I've been feeling awfully bloated lately. I had two cups last night and I swear I feel sort of better this morning!! I hope I will see 147lbs tomorrow. I tried to make myself look somewhat presentable in the outfit department today: 

I haven't worn this skirt in a while so I thought I'd bring it back out. I felt it looked a bit silly on me last time I wore it but somehow this time miraculously it looks okay. (?!) 

Things have gone a bit crazy (or crazier) in this country, lately, Boris Johnson resigned and in the next week or so we will find out who has taken his place. It will be someone else from the Tory party (vomit) which means that we aren't actually going to be seeing any political moves that are in favour of helping out us regular folk... but what can we do? I mean, other than vote like hell in 2024 and hope that we can turf the tories out forever. Fingers crossed..... 

We're all struggling with our bills at the moment because the price of energy has utterly skyrocketted (they're blaming it on the war in Ukraine) and OFGEM have announced that the price cap will go from circa £1900 a year, to £3500 something in October (!!!) and then potentially somewhere around the realm of £5000 in January (!!!!!!!!). Isn't that utterly obscene?! That means that the average person will be fronting around £300+ a month for their energy bill, and to put that in perspective, our current bill is £114....... I am worried. I really hope that something happens to stop things being so utterly dreadful, people will die and it really is scary. I can't believe the shyte that we've had to go through in the 30 years that I've been alive - The twin towers, the recession in 2008, constant poor decisions made by our Tory overlords, no jobs, petrol crises where the price shot up to nearly £2 a litre, the pandemic....... Honestly. It's ridiculous, but all you can do is try to focus on you and yours otherwise you will go utterly insane. 

Which is why I've upgraded my phone and got a pretty new case, yey!:

It needed to happen because my phone speaker was dying a death after hammering it constantly since I got it in 2019. Isn't the heart confetti beautiful?! 

We've also started playing Animal Crossing as a means for escape from this crazy world and I must say, it bloody does work. It's such an adorable game! It's similar to Stardew Valley which is one of my favourites, the characters are ADORABLE. The things we have to do do escape reality.... 

But pray for us, readers/future readers/future Belle, I am not sure how this country will start getting better but I am hoping with every ounce of my being that it does. 


 Current Music: The miserable sound of the downfall of the UK...

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