Tuesday, 26 July 2022


Good Mo(u)rning.

There's a chill in the air, this morning - a stark difference from the overwhelming stuffy heatwave we were experiencing this time last week. It's crazy, really. English weather is so erratic; one minute you can be freezing your arse off, the next you can be utterly sweltering. Watch this space, though, I am sure we have worse to come.......

Doom and gloom aside, I've just sat down at my desk to start my shift. I've had to make a pot of coffee already today, normally I wait until around 10am to have my first coffee but I could feel myself lagging as I was getting dressed this morning so early morning coffee it is. I'm running out of my lovely chocolate truffle coffee and fast, I need to get some more on Amazon but I'm reluctant to spend money. We're so so poor at the moment, I've actually dwindled my poor savings account down to the bones, which is unusual for me. I usually like to have a savings cushion, but with all the things we've had to pay out for (food, car, massively depressing water bill), I've had to dip into my savings quite a bit. It's Rich's 30th birthday on the 10th August, so of course I've had to pay out a bit extra there as well to make sure I get him some good gifts, and I'm going to get some balloons and banners and stuff for the house to try and make things a bit special for him on the day. I don't mind at all paying out for things like that, but I'm eager to get my savings replenished when I can because it makes me uncomfortable not having anything to help me if something unexpected pops up. I know there are people out there who are struggling far more than Rich and I, but it's all relative - I will feel much better come September's pay when we can both look at nursing our savings accounts back to health. 

Anyway. Today I weighed 152.2, which is a little annoying since I was seeing 151.8 last week but I'm hoping that in a few days when things stabilise I will be able to go beneath that. The main point is I'm sticking to my plan, and I'm feeling SLIGHTLY better than I have been doing. Honestly, I feel my magical new shorts are to blame - I actually feel like I look good in them! So today I've donned the magical shorts with my bat jumper to bundle up away from the chill: 

I'm feeling much better since getting my hair dyed natural, as well. I knew it was stressing me out having such an uneven colour/such giant roots but I didn't realise just how much. It's been totally refreshing to have such consistent hair. I'm not sure if I mentioned previously that I had to get my dye touched up - the colour had started fading a bit weird and patchy since I got it dyed naturally first time around, so on Thursday last week I went back to my hairdresser and she kindly fixed it for me and made it look more even. I'm going to get some highlights put back in in the winter (maybe November time), so I'm hoping once it's faded out a little more it will look nice. I can't wait for my length to grow out a bit longer, too, it's quite long now but I have absolutely had it longer. I'd like another 3 or 4 inches on the length and then I think I'll be happy with it. Long glossy hair, plz! 

Anyway. It's 8:44am now and I suppose I'd better trundle off to go and do some work. 


 Current Music: Council House Crackdown on Youtube because trash TV gives me life. 

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