Wednesday, 1 April 2020

The Isolation Adventures: Day 6?.....7?.....9....? Fuck it, I don't know anymore.

Didn't take long for me to lose count, did it?

Aaaaaand today, on "Isolation Madness: How Long Until YOU Lose Your Shit?" I embark upon the dubious task of writing an oh-so-necessary journal entry that describes absolutely nothing of worth! Fantastic! (Eyeroll emoji here).

Today was one of those days wherein I managed to escape the walls of my temporary home, and ventured out into the real world (Cue: shock and/or horror). Yey me!
In all seriousness, though, it was really lovely, actually. When you're forced to stay home it becomes incredibly stale incredibly quickly, and when paired with the requirement to sit with a hot laptop on your lap all day working ("working") away, it's a one-way ticket to loonysville, baby. So it was nice to actually get some fresh air into my lungs and play pretend like everything is normal. Normal. Normal.......... What's that?
So, off I went, strapped into my boots, and set out into the world to try to get some exercise because I've been feeling like my body is going to assume the form of a potato before long, if I don't start using my muscles soon even just a tiny bit. That's one markedly bad thing about sitting on your arse all day, you start flattening it out, and nobody wants that.

Unfortunately I have been out of the game somewhat regarding the internet-based-funzies, as I had to succumb and submit myself to assignment-hell in order to work my way through the two assignments that were looming over my head. I have fucking SURPRISED myself, though, as I pulled an all-nighter the day before yesterday, where I stayed awake into the night and didn't sleep until 8:30am. AND I only had two hours sleep before I awoke again, and dragged myself back to my laptop to spend the last couple of hours editing before sending it off. What a relief it was! I know I'm a student and all, but I don't think I'll get used to this sort of thing. The strange thing was, I was so utterly exhausted I was too tired to sleep. Do you know what I mean? I think the tutors are getting incredibly bored twiddling their thumbs locked in at home, because the mark for the assignment I submitted at midday yesterday was released last night. And before you ask, I got 70 FUCKING PERCENT. I honestly, TRULY cannot believe that, because I got myself so so worked up I thought it was going to come back as something dreadful like 30% and I was going to fuck up my entire degree. That sort of dread can really get the anxiety stomach churning. But thankfully the gods were looking down upon me that day!

Anyway, I will leave you all with a virus-related one-liner that made me laugh earlier: Hey baby are you Covid-19? Because I feel you inside me tonight....


Current Music: Diamonds, The Birthday Massacre. Yes I'm still on that album....

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