Wednesday, 28 October 2020



In which: I am suffering with the icky goth disease!


SO. Covid has very rudely invaded my house. 

My Dad and I had to do home tests recently - his came back positive, and mine came back negative. But the really bizarre nonsensical thing is that both of us have the exact same symptoms, and not only that, I am considerably WORSE than he is. So I’m not sure if that means that I was negative when I did my test and I’m positive now... or, what. Ugh.

The silver lining here is that it’s actually not all that bad. Honestly I just feel as though I have a mild cold, and if covid wasn’t a thing, I wouldn’t even address my symptoms and would be getting on with my merry little life. It’s just so odd, though, this whole covid lark. But I’ve said that before. So here I am, adorned in my pink dressing gown that I’ve had since I was fourteen, snuggled up on the sofa watching those utterly dreadful TV shows that I like. 

OH. I’m also obsessed with these boots lately - I mean I have gone FULL JEN:

Ugh. They’re beautiful. 

I’ve gone a bit mental about them and keep just opening up the web page and drooling over them like a full-blown boot-psycho. But, but, but! BOOTS!! 
(I mean let’s be honest, here, I’m probably going to give in and buy them). They’re over 5 inches (lol) high though..... is that too much?

Mehh I dunno. I will sit here and continue to be all heart-eyed over these all day like I’ve done for like a week already. Boooooooots. Right, I'm off to go and make pancakes and nutella in order to perk myself up from the icky goth disease. Pancakes fix everything. These are facts. 



Current music: Can't Pay We'll Take It Away on the tellybox