Ladies and Gentlemen, it's a shitshow.
The world is in dire straits; there is a very real sense of atmospheric chaos looming over all of us as we speak. Make no mistake, I am fully aware of the severity. The origin of such chaos comes from a virus of which I am sure will be penned into history books in the coming years, under the guise of what has been coined as its' most appropriate title: The Shitshow (Right click > Add to Dictionary). We are living history books, people. I am scared. We are all scared.
Anyway, now that that black cloud has rained all over my journal: I can take comfort in revealing that I am not ACTUALLY here to discuss The Shitshow. No.
I am here to discuss the happy repercussions of The Shitshow. Let's have a little more happiness. OK?
Something interesting is happening within the digital world..... Creators are creating, comedians are comeding, and there is a sense of unity and wholesomeness that is being promoted through various mediums of entertainment. Every day, now, there have been livestreams, broadcasts, and videos uploaded to various platforms so that generic members of the public such as myself can share enjoyment with one another. The internet is brimming with activity, and this brings me immeasurable joy. So, after spending the previous few months under the impression that my thirties will mirror my teenage years (spoiler: I'm pretty fucking sure they will do, although I look older now, I cry) I decided to embark upon the task of writing journal entries as a means for documenting my experience, as I used to keep a daily journal religiously during my late teens. Why the hell not?
I am on day three of isolation. Officially (kindly ignore that I've missed the first couple of days). However it may be said that I actually have been within The Isolation since Monday the 16th, after spending the previous weekend seeing my lovely friends and their adorable, adorable children. That was the last sense of normality that I have had. Our Prime Minister, Boris Johnson (*shudder*) has imposed some very strict but necessary rules in order to beat The Shitshow, which mean, in basic terms, that the entirety of fucking England has been placed upon the naughty step, because we have all been entirely bad, and we must stay indoors and think about what we have done (until this virus passes and normality may resume). My current adventures in isolation involve being marooned in Yorkshire with my Dad, which is relatively peaceful, however I do not have my creature comforts and I am sorely missing them. I'm also about two months away from finishing university and am experiencing the biggest writer's block of my life thus far, so I am writing this in the hopes of jogging my writer's muscle memory and persuading my words to behave and form themselves into cohesive sentences. How am I doing? Honestly, though, I think in some ways it does help me to sit here at my laptop and type freely - when there is more freedom, it is easier for creativity to flow. (Yeah that was cheesy but whatever I DON'T CARE).
So what am I doing with myself during this time? Watching copious amounts of TV, of course. I am pretty sure that Netflix, Amazon Video, and all the other streaming platforms will be reaping the benefits of the increased number of people stuck in their houses, bored out of their little skulls, binge watching the good stuff. Today's shows have been Brooklyn 99 and Father Ted, because I am a strange person and only seem to watch comedies these days. But I just think, whatever is going on around me, it's lovely to have some silly show playing to itself in the background, canned laughter floating through the air and silly jokes piercing into my focus as I work. (And by work I mean procrastinate, obviously. Case in point, by the way - I was just hilariously interrupted by Father Jack yelling "SHUT THE FECK UP!"). I also expect that another hilarious consequence of The Isolation could see a boom in babies born this December...... If that turns out to be true, I am 100% going to laugh. If we make it to December, that is..... (FUCKING OMINOUS)
So I actually ventured out of the house earlier! Oh - That's one thing I forgot to mention. Yes, we are on the naughty step. BUT. We are permitted to leave the house ONCE A DAY in order to go shopping, to fuck - I mean, - err... To exercise.... and other such trivial pursuits. So I went off in order to search for some hairdressing scissors, because I badly badly need to give my hair a trim, but unfortunately I had no joy as apparently hairdressing scissors are elusive and do not exist anywhere in Chapeltown. Thanks, universe! Fucking great!
Anyway. This has been a rather long introduction to the journalling world. But I think this has been a good workout for my mind, and I hope that now I can return to the word document that is waiting for me behind this window, and GET IT DONE. Wish me luck!
Off I go.....
Current Music: That new TBM album that I'm burning to fuck on repeat over and over, yeah, I have music and the TV on at the same time, fight me, I LIKE COMMAS